Upon its inception the Foundation leaders dedicated their efforts and the Organization's resources to addressing a possible looming tragedy facing rural North Dakota emergency medical services, the closing of ambulance services due to a lack of volunteers to staff them. Attracting and retaining volunteer emergency medical service providers has long been and continues to be, the number one sited challenge facing rural EMS across the nation.
Our Mission
The North Dakota EMS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that began in 2004 after receiving a modest bequest from Dale Severson, an EMS leader in North Dakota. The establishing vision of the Foundation was to promote and support prehospital emergency medical services across the great state of North Dakota. The Foundation is dedicated to the state's EMS providers, ambulance services and quick response units; and it places a major emphasis on the continued viability of individual rural providers and response groups.
NDEMSA Foundation Goals
To promote EMS in rural North Dakota by providing leadership and learning opportunities through scholarships, grants, and other endeavors which are necessary to attract, sustain, and retain providers.
To promote the virtue of volunteerism in the state’s frontier communities with programs of advocacy and by increasing public awareness.
To reach out to individuals, corporate, and governmental entities thereby developing the Foundation’s financial strength, which is the precursor necessary to accomplish its Mission.
Long-Term Planning
In order to ensure long-term success of the organization, the foundation has put together a five-year plan that will:
• Develop a solid foundation and credible reputation with North Dakota ambulance services, EMS leaders and funders.
• Create an open environment in which EMS services and leaders share their stories and needs.
• Established a working relationship with all EMS stakeholders to develop comprehensive plans locally, regionally and statewide.
• Finally, our ability to accomplish our goals and have long-term sustainability will rest on the development of a broad network of supporters.
Sustainability & Planned Giving
Planned giving is a method of supporting non-profits and charities that enables individuals to provide a larger impact than they ever thought their income would allow. Additionally, planned giving can provide donors with life-long income or estate and tax benefits. By definition, a planned gift is a major gift made by a donor, over a lifetime or at death, as part of the donor’s overall financial or estate planning.
Planned giving comes in many forms and can have a tremendous impact on the sustainability of your favorite charity or non-profit organization. Some forms of planned gifts include bequests, charitable gift annuities, a variety of charitable trusts, life insurance and retirement plans.
Each planned gift provides different benefits to the charity and donor. If you are interested in learning more or planning a gift you should contact your personal financial advisor.
Want to help?
The North Dakota EMS Foundation is going to need an array of support to bring these programs to fruition and even more importantly to continue to strengthen the EMS system in North Dakota. If ensuring the continued success and viability of North Dakota EMS is something you are passionate about and you are interested in becoming involved there are multiple ways you can support the cause. The Foundation could use volunteers to help administrate all of its programs. Are you an effective communicator? We can utilize your writing capabilities to grow our grant writing campaign. Seeking individual donations and organizing fund-raising strategies also takes a tremendous amount of volunteer time. Finally, you can show your support by providing a tax-deductible contribution to support the Foundation’s operations, the North Dakota EMS Education Project or the EMS Leadership Academy.
If you want to become involved in strengthening North Dakota EMS now is the time! Please contact Pat Tracy at 701-221-0567 or ndemsa.office@ndemsa.org for more.